Friday, March 5, 2010

A new blog on the interweb!

Essentially talking to myself at this stage cos, hey, just trying out this whole new-fangled blog thing. No-one would ever say that I'm an early adopter of technology; but a girls' gotta start somewhere.

When I came up with the name "The Basilisk's Lounge Room" I kinda had May Gibbs-esque visions of this really cool reptile fellow in an arm chain near a roaring fire... surrounded by leatherbound books and wearing a smoking jacket. If you aren't getting me yet, hopefully by the time someone finds their way here, there will be a) something more interesting to read and b) a picture. I know, just throwing it out there.

Anyway, if, in some distant future date, you find yourself reading this (and I don't know why you would, I only know that's what I would do if i found a cool new blog... ok, pretty much not) I wanted to give at least an indication of why I'm here. Like a mission statement. ohh! I'm good at those! **

I'm here because:
I'm an engineer (read: geek)
I love to talk
I love over-punctuating things (well duh)
I'm getting on the "going to write a book when I grow up" bandwagon

So; based on this, I really have no option, but to follow the exciting people who blazed the trail, (and are actually interesting, generally with literary backgrounds), and start a blog.

This weblog (which I still think sounds better!) will be a fount of random facts and ramblings on the following (not inclusive) subjects:

1. Random travel incidents and generic amusing oil-field news
2. Clever quotes and sayings
3. Book reviews of a random assortment
4. Links to far cleverer people

and I aim to not post self-absorbed tirades like this again; because really... who cares?

yours truly;

lounge basilisk.

** Editor's note: yes, I know... there actually is no mission statement here.

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